Angie Ilg

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Let yourself be where you're at ❤️

Four powerful life coaching tools you can use no matter what you’re feeling. In these uncertain times, many of us are feeling overwhelmed and anxious, especially HSPs (Highly Sensitive People). That’s because our nervous system is being asked of a lot right now. Self-acceptance is the best practice - allowing yourself to be exactly where you’re at.

Writing, these past few weeks, has been so challenging. Especially sharing the writing...

Well, a lot of things have been challenging.

Along with all the change that's going on in the world, and the hardships and losses, I've been processing a lot of sadness. It's a feeling that I've grown to be more accepting of over the years.

I no longer even need to know exactly why the feeling is here. It's probably here for many reasons. Instead I do my best to allow it, and take care of whatever need it's communicating.

I've also felt overwhelmed more easily. Maybe you can relate to that. I'm learning more about how for those of us who are more sensitive, our nervous system processes things deeper, and there are more feelings happening than for others.

So, I'm processing for myself, as well as processing what's going on around me. Maybe you can relate to that as well :)

We're in the middle of transformation, and it can feel uncertain, painful, and scary. But there's always a breakthrough at the end, if you allow the breakdown to happen and keep moving through.

I believe when we’re going through the hard parts, it’s making something easier.

In the meantime, while we're in it, here's what I'm finding that's helping the most: 

💗 Allowing myself to be where I'm at - This can be a challenge, because sometimes we don't even realize we're not doing that. But it will feel like emotions built up inside, resistance, self-judgement, pressure... Those are some of the ways you might know you're not allowing. Allowing looks like acceptance, acknowledgement, letting go, and surrender.

💗 Sharing with a support system - For me, it's best when it's one-on-one. Getting to share how I'm feeling with someone who can compassionately witness is honestly sometimes the only thing I need. This might be a close friend, family member, therapist, or coach.

💗 Dance - Movement has a way of moving emotions. It's been so helpful to incorporate dance into my day, in breaks between work, and into my workout routine.

💗 Dialogue with my Inner Wisdom - This is one of my favorites. This looks like allowing yourself to speak out your fears, your experience, your emotions, or whatever you need to express, and then let your Inner Wisdom answer back. Our Inner Wisdom / Higher Self will always speak from love, and the message is usually simple, succinct, and feels calming. You can do this by talking to yourself internally or out loud, or a letter back and forth in your journal.  If you’re having a hard time accessing that inner wise self, try closing your eyes and taking a few deep, calming breaths, and bringing your attention to your core or abdomen area. If you’re still feeling stuck, try a little dance or movement first, then close your eyes and take those deep breaths.

So over to you. What's been working for you? Share in the comments below. I’d love to hear from you.

I hope you're finding your way through all of this. There really is so much here for us, if we're willing to see it.

With love,
