Posts tagged relationships
Want more connection in your relationships?

When we want more connection, at the heart of that we’re seeking more love in our lives. And although we think we’ll get that from someone else, it actually first starts within ourselves. Three things that can create deeper love and connection in your relationships (including the one with yourself) are vulnerability, courage, and loving-kindness. Learn more about how to embody these energies to create deeper connection in yourself and your relationships.

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Breakdown to Breakthrough

If you’re going through a tumultuous, chaotic time, it may seem like you’re breaking down. The truth is, you’re on the verge of a breakthrough. Whether there’s lots of change happening in your life, you’re taking scary leaps forward, or everything seems to be falling apart, realizing that this all can precede a breakthrough will help you move towards it rather than stay stuck in resistance.

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Creating Connection through The Power of Vulnerability

Do you desire more connection in your life, yet aren’t sure quite how to create that? Learn about the feminine superpowers, and how to lean in to vulnerability to deepen and strengthen the loving relationships in your life, and create new ones.

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