Posts tagged resisting change
When "YES" will set you free ✨

If you’re feeling stuck, or life is just feeling status quo, it might be a sign that you’re resisting doing what scares you (but deep down you know is best). Often we resist change because it feels safer or we feel more in control that way. It may feel safer but it also feels extremely limiting. But when we lean in and say “yes” (to whatever that next step is) our life begins to open up. It may feel scary, but you will also feel more alive. Use these perspectives to help clarify your next step and feel more confident moving forward.

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Love, MAGIC, and Soaring through Upper Limits - A Wedding Story

If you’re going through a change in your life, even a good change, the transition can be filled with all sorts of emotions. Especially when it’s a good change, and you’re in a period of self-growth, this can feel confusing. “Shouldn’t I be happy?” you might think. In this post you’ll learn about the wisdom of change and expansion, and how to embrace all that you feel, knowing that it’s just right, just as it is.

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How to Shift out of Panic and Overwhelm

If you’re feeling overwhelmed or in a state of panic, your first instinct may be to run from this or find a way to cope. But I want to offer you a more helpful, effective approach, where you can feel empowered, and create more freedom in your experience. When we resist what’s happening, it grows stronger. But when we have tools to work with our experience, then we can move forward and feel lighter and happier overall.

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Breakdown to Breakthrough

If you’re going through a tumultuous, chaotic time, it may seem like you’re breaking down. The truth is, you’re on the verge of a breakthrough. Whether there’s lots of change happening in your life, you’re taking scary leaps forward, or everything seems to be falling apart, realizing that this all can precede a breakthrough will help you move towards it rather than stay stuck in resistance.

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5 Things That Will Help You During Change (and Throughout Life in General)

Change can feel scary, uncertain, and uncomfortable. But what if there were ways we could navigate it more easily? And maybe even feel excited in the process?

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How to Grow through Change and Challenges

How do you find the strength to face change head on, when it can be so scary? I used to avoid it at all costs, not wanting to feel uncomfortable or afraid… Yes, change is scary. But when we find the courage and perspective to face change, it can be the very things that set you free.

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Wanting to change, but scared of what will happen if you do?

What does it take to move forward in your life, face your fears, and make that change? What do you need in order to go for what you dream of? Find out how to face the fear of change and get going in your life.

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It's important to keep going

Are you in the middle of change and transformation? Maybe it feels like it’s not possible. Maybe it feels like you’ll always be stuck in the struggle and the suffering. But there is a way through to the other side. There is a way to go from anxiety, self-doubt, and darkness to inner peace, confidence, and feeling positive and joyful. Allow this post to be inspiration for you on that journey.

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Change is the Essence of Life

Change can feel so scary. But when we know how (and why) to approach it, our life starts to open up and expand. We start to see magic happening around us, and our dreams becoming a reality.

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