Posts tagged Self-Growth
Love, MAGIC, and Soaring through Upper Limits - A Wedding Story

If you’re going through a change in your life, even a good change, the transition can be filled with all sorts of emotions. Especially when it’s a good change, and you’re in a period of self-growth, this can feel confusing. “Shouldn’t I be happy?” you might think. In this post you’ll learn about the wisdom of change and expansion, and how to embrace all that you feel, knowing that it’s just right, just as it is.

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How to Grow through Change and Challenges

How do you find the strength to face change head on, when it can be so scary? I used to avoid it at all costs, not wanting to feel uncomfortable or afraid… Yes, change is scary. But when we find the courage and perspective to face change, it can be the very things that set you free.

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Wanting to change, but scared of what will happen if you do?

What does it take to move forward in your life, face your fears, and make that change? What do you need in order to go for what you dream of? Find out how to face the fear of change and get going in your life.

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Have you made your decision yet?

Are you struggling with anxiety right now, but know deep down you’re meant for more? If you don’t like how your life is going, change the channel… Sometimes we think that what we want is impossible, especially when we don’t know how to get there. The truth of what you actually need to do to get there might surprise you.

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