Posts tagged self-doubt
Doing less, trusting more ✨

In our culture, we often identify our worth with our busyness, and wear busyness as a badge of honor. But all this running around can leave us exhausted and disconnected. It’s empowering to realize how much of a choice you have in what and how much you do, and that you have more of a say than you think. With this shift, you can start to prioritize and live according to your values. What a breath of fresh air and way less burden to carry.

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Doubting yourself vs. TRUSTING yourself ✨

How many ways do we doubt ourselves? Let me count the ways! It’s become so ingrained in our culture, especially if you identify as a woman, to doubt yourself - what you do, how you dress, how much you do, what you say, what you look like… Yet, this is not our natural state. We weren’t born doubting. We learned to doubt. And we can make the empowered CHOICE to begin to TRUST. Yes, it’s a choice, and it can be practiced and learned.

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How to Stop Caring What Other People Think

I don’t know a single person who hasn’t experienced the fear of being judged at some point or another. The fear can be so strong that it stops us from saying what we want to say, or being ourselves. The antidote for this fear often comes in the form of courageous action. Try it out and see the magic unfold in your life.

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Letting my hair down

Find out the truth about those negative things you believe about yourself, and feel and hear from your inner critic and inner doubter. Discover an option you have to see and believe something different, more true, and more positive.

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Have you made your decision yet?

Are you struggling with anxiety right now, but know deep down you’re meant for more? If you don’t like how your life is going, change the channel… Sometimes we think that what we want is impossible, especially when we don’t know how to get there. The truth of what you actually need to do to get there might surprise you.

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