Posts tagged inner strength
Fight Mode

Is it true that we can do, be, or have anything we truly desire? If so, what does it take? How do we find that type of strength that it requires, especially if we’re feeling up against all odds?

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Have you made your decision yet?

Are you struggling with anxiety right now, but know deep down you’re meant for more? If you don’t like how your life is going, change the channel… Sometimes we think that what we want is impossible, especially when we don’t know how to get there. The truth of what you actually need to do to get there might surprise you.

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Don't let OCD get in the way

Are you putting things on hold while you hope and wait for the day when you get to feel better, and no longer struggle with anxiety or OCD? You might be shooting yourself in the foot. Find out how to approach anxiety and OCD so that you can finally feel peaceful and happy, and actually enjoy life.

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