Posts tagged inner voice
Could your self-talk use an upgrade?

Our inner critical voice can be so loud sometimes. At times we might not even be able to distinguish between ourselves and this voice. But there are tools we can use to tune in to our true self, and hear our loving inner voice, so that we can begin to be kinder to ourselves. This allows us to feel happier and more content in life.

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The Magic of SIMPLICITY ✨

Life in the world we live in can so easily be chaotic and noisy. All this noise can create self-doubt, confusion, anxiety, and overwhelm. When we find ways to simplify our life, not only does it help create more peace and calm, but it also creates less anxiety and overwhelm, because in the magic of simplicity, we’re able to hear our own inner guidance more, and learn to trust that.

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The chaos, the critic, and TRUSTING ✨

Learning to trust ourselves may seem like this nebulous thing, or far out of reach, especially if you’ve spent a lot of time listening to your inner critic and believing what you hear. But there’s a very gentle, subtle, feminine way we can begin to trust ourselves again, and set this inner critical voice to the side. It’s incredibly empowering and freeing. Use these life coaching tools to learn how.

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How to feel emotionally free right now

That inner-critical voice can get so loud sometimes, right? But fortunately it’s often the simplest of tools that are the most powerful when we want to make a change or have a different experience. Learn about one simple intention you can make that can completely shift your day. And when practiced regularly, it has the power to shift your life into one where you feel self-love, ease, and deeper happiness.

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Is your fear voice getting louder?

How do we deal with that voice of fear, that can get so loud sometimes? And why does it come up loudest when good things are happening in your life? In this blog post I share about the fear voice, why it’s here, and how to work with it.

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When Thinking is Overrated and What to Do Instead

Ever feel like your mind is working against you, or you’re stuck in overthinking? Learn how to use your mind as the tool that it is, and start feeling more ease, confidence, and clarity.

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You are perfectly where you're meant to be

It’s so easy to get ahead of ourselves, and think about where we’re headed. We can get into comparison, comparing ourselves to people who are further along, or thinking about where we think we should be. Find out the key to feeling really good about exactly where you’re at.

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