Posts in On Being Sensitive
So I’m in a band!

Our mind is a powerful tool. We can use it to help ourselves, or we can use it against ourselves. Even when we feel scared to go in the direction of our dreams, we can practice flexing a helpful mindset so that we move forward in life rather than staying stuck. And all of a sudden, those dreams seem more in reach than ever before.

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Letting my hair down

Find out the truth about those negative things you believe about yourself, and feel and hear from your inner critic and inner doubter. Discover an option you have to see and believe something different, more true, and more positive.

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The Power in the Pause

We’re taught to always be productive and busy, and for most of us, it becomes a way of life, leading to disconnection, exhaustion, and burn out. Yet even if we have the chance to pause, do we know how? Is it too uncomfortable even to approach? Find some inspiration and permission for the pause here.

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A Letter from Within Me

You are whole and complete, just as you are. Your dreams are there for a reason - because they are MEANT for you. If you knew how perfect you are, how unconditionally loved you are, what would you do? What would you say? What would you let go of? Explore with me...

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Creating Connection through The Power of Vulnerability

Do you desire more connection in your life, yet aren’t sure quite how to create that? Learn about the feminine superpowers, and how to lean in to vulnerability to deepen and strengthen the loving relationships in your life, and create new ones.

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How to Grow through Change and Challenges

How do you find the strength to face change head on, when it can be so scary? I used to avoid it at all costs, not wanting to feel uncomfortable or afraid… Yes, change is scary. But when we find the courage and perspective to face change, it can be the very things that set you free.

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Wanting to change, but scared of what will happen if you do?

What does it take to move forward in your life, face your fears, and make that change? What do you need in order to go for what you dream of? Find out how to face the fear of change and get going in your life.

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Fight Mode

Is it true that we can do, be, or have anything we truly desire? If so, what does it take? How do we find that type of strength that it requires, especially if we’re feeling up against all odds?

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You are perfectly where you're meant to be

It’s so easy to get ahead of ourselves, and think about where we’re headed. We can get into comparison, comparing ourselves to people who are further along, or thinking about where we think we should be. Find out the key to feeling really good about exactly where you’re at.

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Have you made your decision yet?

Are you struggling with anxiety right now, but know deep down you’re meant for more? If you don’t like how your life is going, change the channel… Sometimes we think that what we want is impossible, especially when we don’t know how to get there. The truth of what you actually need to do to get there might surprise you.

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Celebrating and Enjoying Life ❤️

What are some of the keys to being able to actually enjoy life, even when you might struggle with anxiety, perfectionism, or self-criticism? Find out about my journey towards self-confidence, self-love, and inner peace, and you’ll see it’s more achievable than you think.

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It's important to keep going

Are you in the middle of change and transformation? Maybe it feels like it’s not possible. Maybe it feels like you’ll always be stuck in the struggle and the suffering. But there is a way through to the other side. There is a way to go from anxiety, self-doubt, and darkness to inner peace, confidence, and feeling positive and joyful. Allow this post to be inspiration for you on that journey.

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The opposite of perfectionism

Are you stuck in perfectionism? Do you feel halted, unable to move forward out of fear of making a mistake? There is a better, easier, and more effective way. Promise. And even if you’ve been a perfectionist for a long time now, you can still recover and feel the joy, lightness, and freedom of imperfection.

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You were meant to be FREE!

If you’re feeling weighed down, and stuck in the struggle… Or you feel like the only thing you can remember is the anxiety and fear… I want to remind you of the truth of who you are. We all deserve to know who we are, and get to enjoy being our true self.

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When feelings don't go your way

Do you ever feel controlled by your emotions? Or mad, anxious, upset or sad, but you don’t know why? Or, you know there’s no need to feel those things, but you can’t stop it from happening? And sometimes maybe it takes you over a little bit (or a lot). Find out what to do when your feelings don’t go the way you want them to.

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Don't let OCD get in the way

Are you putting things on hold while you hope and wait for the day when you get to feel better, and no longer struggle with anxiety or OCD? You might be shooting yourself in the foot. Find out how to approach anxiety and OCD so that you can finally feel peaceful and happy, and actually enjoy life.

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Change is the Essence of Life

Change can feel so scary. But when we know how (and why) to approach it, our life starts to open up and expand. We start to see magic happening around us, and our dreams becoming a reality.

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